(Mon-12-10-2015, 21:30 PM)mstradling Wrote: Hi all,
I've got a a patch of psoriasis on my forehead. My doctor has perscribed Hydrocortisone- it takes the redness and dryness down for a while, but after a couple of days without H/C, the psoriasis thickens and reddens. Could anyone recommend a good treatment for my problem?
Hi Mark and a big to the forum, first let me say that you have found probably the best place for impartial advice, from sufferers of this disease, without bias or anything to gain apart from the knowledge that they may be helping a fellow sufferer. You will find we are a very friendly small group of sufferers from around the world happily sharing experiences of what works and what doesn't.
Fred who runs the site has put together a wealth of information about the disease and it's treatments
You say you have a patch on your forehead, do you have it anywhere else?
Have you had it very long?
Have you ever seen a dermatologist, as if not you should ask your doctor for a referral to see one, he will know the best course of treatment to offer you
He may well firstly offer you topical treatments such as dovobet, or Dovonex see this link for the difference Dovobet And Dovonex (What's the difference ?)
Then dependant on the severity he may offer tablets,
But I do have to tell you that whatever you use. It won't be a cure, but it may well get the psoriasis under control
Thank you for joining the club and feel free to browse all the threads in the health boards and then if you want something a bit more light hearted come and meet others in the off topic section
EDIT. I don't think hydrocortisone (which is a very mild corticosteroid) will be much use apart from reducing the redness and itch