Tue-24-11-2015, 11:34 AM
If it were just the skin I would take a lower dosage. 600 mg has far milder side effects and still controls the skin, but it is not enough to control the arthritis. At 800 mg the pain is controlled and I believe the damage to be reversing. The task of straightening my spine is proving to be a very slow and painful process, although better this way than to end up like Diodorus. The health system in Australia has not approved DMF for the treatment of p or psa, so it is good that I believe myself to be on a very effective therapy because I could not get Fumaderm or Psorinovo here. Further, DMF is approved for MS and is a restricted drug, so when I need more in another five or so years I will have to make it myself. My next line of experimentation will be to take doxycycline with the DMF in the hope that I can straighten my spine and regain flexibility more quickly. I start this tomorrow morning and should have an idea of its effectiveness by the weekend.